Keynotes & workshops

The superpower of storytelling

You know: communication is a superpower. It is the means for you and your team to share your vision and inspire others. You know the feeling of communication that touches. But what makes such a speaking moment so memorable? In a nutshell, impactful communication is not about tricks, it's about authenticity. It's about your ability to show yourself, speak out and put yourself in another person's shoes. Get your team thinking about impactful communication with a workshop or keynote full of inspiration, tools and humor.

Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working

- Pablo Picasso


Create more impact with humor and inspiration.
  • Kick-off conversation to tailor keynote to your needs
  • 45-75 minutes
  • Number of people – unlimited
  • Short summary for all participants
  • Delivered either online or in-person
  • From €2,800- ex. VAT


A boost of inspiration to take impactful storytelling to the next level.
  • Kick-off conversation to tailor workshop to your needs.
  • 2-2.5 hours
  • 20-25 people
  • Short summary for all participants
  • Delivered either online or in-person
  • From €2,800- ex. VAT


Leadership & storytelling

Great leadership and great communication are inseparable. When you strengthen the one, you also strengthen the other.

The elements of an impactful story

The amplifiers of impactful communication unraveled.

From a strategy on paper to a standing ovation.

Set your team in motion with a story that touches both minds and hearts.

Connection in an online world

The more screens we use, the more important the enhancers of impactful communication become.

The power of stories through history

Former history professor and Storytelling Expert, Beerd Beukenhorst takes you along for a ride through some of the greatest stories in history that shaped the course of the world. 

Another topic?

Looking for a lecture with a different angle or topic? That might be possible.
We are looking forward to your maybe surprising question! 

More than 8,000
people are already inspired!

"Incredibly enthusiastic and engaging speaker. Like having experienced a TEDx. A speaker with Impact. I am really going to do things differently!"

Deelnemer aan de Nyenrode collegereeks Strategische Communicatie

"Super valuable! You made me think and feel!"

"Inspiring and very useful and real!"


"We have done a lot in a short time, verryy good!"

Interested in a keynote or workshop?

Share your details below and we'll get in touch.

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If you have any comments or questions, please let us know

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Have a question? We love to help.
Call us at 020 330 1250 or
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